An impossible question to answer, because what to say. How can it actually be said who Osho is? Can a flower be defined, can love be bottled and sold? Can truth be contained in words? Can truth like a butterfly be caught? Words can be an echo of something we vaguely know inside ourselves, they can ring bells in our hearts, calling us forth to take a jump to something which is a deep longing. This longing will pull us to find ways to transform ourselves, dive deep into our own interiority, without blame, without judgement, without fear, without goal, just a fire to know the within, to discover who we are.....find out inside ourselves 'Who is Osho'. Osho Risk is a 'Buddhafield', a place which vibrates, celebrates, dances, dives into this longing to know 'who we are', to find Osho within, the oceanic existence. Here is a short biography of Osho followed by a question somebody asked Osho.
Osho was born in Kuchwada, Madhya Pradesh, India, on December 11, 1931. Rebellious and independent from the very childhood, he insisted on experiencing the truth for himself rather than acquiring borrowed knowledge from others' belief systems.
He attained Enlightenment at the age of twenty one and went on to complete his education. He taught philosophy at the University of Jabalpur for many years. Meanwhile, he would meet people, address large gatherings and give talks traveling all over India.
Osho revived all the ancient spiritual traditions like Vedanta, Sankhya, Yoga, Tantra, Sufi, Hasid, Tao, Baul and Zen. Not only he revived all these traditions and spoke on great saints and masters like Krishna, Jesus, Buddha, Mahaveera, Shiva he developed his unique dynamic meditation techniques that help the modern man unburden his anxieties, stress through a deep cleansing process in order to achieve a relaxed state of meditation and ultimately - Enlightenment.
Osho spoke on almost every aspect of life not through an intellectual understanding but based on his own existential experience distilling the essence of what is significant to the spiritual growth of modern man. His talks are transcribed and published in over 600 volumes and translated into many languages. The meditation centers owing allegiance to him can be found all over the world.
In early 1970's a commune started to emerge around him in Pune where many seekers came from around the world to meditate. This beautiful Buddhafield became the spiritual capital of the world. Osho traveled to USA and many other countries finally arriving in Pune commune in 1987 where he left his body on January 19, 1990. The transcription on His Samadhi says:
Never Born - Never Died
Only visited this planet earth between
December 11, 1931 - January 19, 1990
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